Why do people end up in tax debt

Why do people end up in tax debt? New research has shown the most common reasons for people getting into debt with the IRS and state tax authorities. These are earning more income than expected, divorce, late payment penalties and unfiled tax returns.   How to avoid a tax debt – excess income The research showed […]

Executive Order tax debt

The Federal tax debt many people will not be able to avoid… Everyone likes a tax cut – but what if it isn’t a real one? If you are a Federal government employee there’s a likely tax debt that you will have to deal with whether you like it or not – the Payroll Tax […]

Credit forgiven counts as income tax

Debt forgiven by a creditor. This could be taxed by the IRS! If you have a debt forgiven by a creditor this could be considered income by the IRS and is taxable as if you had been paid the money. That means if you had a $10,000 credit card debt forgiven by a lender you […]

Third-Party Collection Companies Taking On IRS Debt

Since 2015 the IRS has been able to contract a private debt collection agency to help you resolve your tax debt with them. Scammers have cottoned on to this and you must be very careful as to who you give your details to. Here we will show you exactly who might contact you and what […]

Why The Tax Advocate Service Is Not Good

The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is an organization set up by Congress to help organizations and individuals dealing with issues with the IRS. It is not always the best option if you have problems with the IRS as we will discuss here.  What is the TAS? The TAS is an independent body run by the […]

How To Pay Off Irs Debt Fast: 10 Ways To Settle IRS For Less

10 Ways to Settle Your IRS Tax Debt Do you Find dealing with the IRS Time-consuming, Intimidating, and frustrating? You aren’t alone. While taxpayers might always represent themselves in front of the IRS, the majority rely on professional tax help (specialized IRS Tax attorneys, CPAs, and Certified Tax Resolution Specialists) in order to increase their […]

2 New Tax Scams – Sit Up and Take Note!

The IRS has given warning of two new tax scams where criminals are illegally taking money from people, pretending to be from government agencies. The first is rather worrying – a letter sent through the US Postal Service. The other are calls and emails purporting to be from the Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS). Let’s look […]

Beware of Sophisticated Tax Scammers!

Scammers have become extremely clever in conning people out of their money in the belief they are taking measures to avoid being penalized by the IRS. The IRS has released a statement looking at some of the cleverest and most dangerous operations they know of today, and makes suggestions as to what to do.

Get a First Time penalty Abatement with Defense Tax!

If you haven’t paid your IRS tax debt you may be able to avoid paying penalty charges by speaking to us at Defense Tax about getting a First Time penalty Abatement (FTA) from the IRS. Tax Day passed on the 15 April and for those who usually make all their tax payments on time it […]

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