Get a First Time penalty Abatement with Defense Tax!
If you haven’t paid your IRS tax debt you may be able to avoid paying penalty charges by speaking to us at Defense Tax about getting a First Time penalty Abatement (FTA) from the IRS. Tax Day passed on the 15 April and for those who usually make all their tax payments on time it […]
In Tax Debt? Beware Tax Collection Scammers!
Fake tax collection scammers have made more than $70 million a year stealing money from people in the United States. If you are in tax debt and worry about the IRS coming for you, here’s a guide to making sure the money you owe goes to the Treasury and not some gangster. Types of scam […]
Tax Debt Doesn’t Mean You’re On Your Own
Tax debt is a burden that weighs heavily on people, bringing with it a sense of isolation and embarrassment that only seeks to compound the issue. The reality is that owing the IRS is not unusual, millions of Americans find themselves in this situation for many different reasons and realizing that your situation is not […]