If You Are In Serious Tax Debt You Could Lose Your Passport

The IRS has recently issued a statement reminding Americans that you could have your passport revoked if you have a delinquent tax bill of $52,000 or more. If you are applying for a passport then this process could be stopped too. How does the IRS stop passports? Under a 2015 tax regulation if someone owes […]

How To Stop A Wage Garnishment

Wage garnishments are one way that the IRS can use to force you to pay a delinquent tax debt. They can be up to 25% of your disposable income and will restrict how much you have to spend every month. Let’s look at what wage garnishments are and how to stop them. What is a […]

How to Stop a Wage Garnishment?

Have you received a Wage Garnishment notice from the IRS recently? Well, you need to get in touch with us at Defense Tax Partners ASAP. IRS wage garnishments are no joke. If you owe the IRS any unpaid taxes, they are fully entitled to take an equivalent amount out of your wages. This doesn’t happen […]