If You Are In Serious Tax Debt You Could Lose Your Passport

The IRS has recently issued a statement reminding Americans that you could have your passport revoked if you have a delinquent tax bill of $52,000 or more. If you are applying for a passport then this process could be stopped too. How does the IRS stop passports? Under a 2015 tax regulation if someone owes […]

Tax Audits: The Facts

Thanks to the budget to run the IRS itself having been slashed in recent years, IRS agents aren’t auditing as many people as they used to and have become more ineffective in getting increased tax payments from those they do an audit. Here we will look at some recent journalism on tax audits and suggest […]

Top 4 ‘Dirty Dozen’ IRS Tax Scams Of 2015

The Dirty Dozen is a compilation of common scams taxpayers may encounter during the coming tax year, its put together by the IRS annually. And I can personally vouch for its usefulness; you should definitely go through the list. Now, you could encounter a scam any time of the year, but you may want to […]