Will You Get A Stimulus Check If You Owe Back Taxes?
The United States government has issued several stimulus packages to help citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, many Americans are left wondering whether they are eligible for a stimulus check if they owe back taxes. In this post, we will explore the details of the stimulus package, how it may impact those with back taxes, […]
When Is The IRS Refunding Unemployment Taxes?
The COVID-19 pandemic brought with it a host of financial difficulties, leaving many people struggling to make ends meet. One of the measures taken by the government to help alleviate this financial burden was the provision of unemployment benefits. Unfortunately, these benefits were taxed, and many people found themselves owing taxes to the IRS. This […]
What Happens If You Marry Someone Who Owes Back Taxes
Marriage is a significant life event that brings many changes to a couple’s financial situation. One of the factors that may affect your finances as a married couple is if one partner owes back taxes. If you’re thinking about getting married to someone who owes back taxes, you should be aware of the potential repercussions […]
What Are The Reasons For Paying Back Taxes?
Paying back taxes is an obligation that all citizens and businesses have to fulfill. When individuals or organizations fail to pay taxes on time, they may accrue a significant amount of back taxes, which can result in severe consequences. In this post, we will discuss the reasons that make paying back taxes essential. Legal Consequences […]
The $10200 Unemployment Tax Break: How Much Will I Get Back?
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused widespread job loss and financial hardship for many Americans. To help alleviate some of this burden, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) includes a provision that provides a tax break for individuals who received unemployment benefits in 2020. Specifically, the ARPA allows individuals who received unemployment benefits to […]
IRS Unemployment Tax Refund: What You Need To Know
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the economy, causing many people to lose their jobs. To help those who were unemployed during this difficult time, the government provided additional financial assistance through the CARES Act. This financial assistance included additional unemployment benefits that were subject to federal taxes. However, due to a […]
How To Claim A Tax Refund For Multiple Years
Tax refunds are a welcome relief for taxpayers who have overpaid their taxes in a particular year. However, not everyone is aware of the fact that tax refunds can be claimed for multiple years, and the rules and regulations regarding this may vary depending on your country of residence. In this post, we will discuss […]
How To Check For Back Taxes On Properties
Back taxes on properties refer to the unpaid taxes on real estate that the owner should have paid to the government. These taxes are usually imposed by the local government and may accrue for a variety of reasons, such as failure to pay property taxes on time or not filing the tax return. The accumulation […]
How Much Money Do You Get In Tax Deductions For Buying A House?
Buying a house is a major financial decision that can have significant tax implications. Many homebuyers wonder how much money they can get back in tax deductions for buying a house. The answer to this question depends on several factors, such as the amount of mortgage interest paid, property taxes, and other deductions. In this […]
How Much Do You Get In Tax Credits For One Child?
If you are a parent, you may be wondering how much you can expect to receive in tax credits for having a child. In this post, we will explore the details of the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), which are two of the most common tax credits for families […]